Visiting french Municipal Councillor Donates To nursing Mothers At limbe hospital

CAMEROUN :: Visiting french Municipal Councillor Donates To nursing Mothers At limbe hospital :: CAMEROON

Some 17 nursing mothers at the Down Beach PMI Hospital were all full of smiles on Thursday, August 8.

These 17 mothers with their newborn babies had just received a variety of dresses and other items meant to cater for the well-being of their newborn babies.
These items were donated to these mothers by Dr Andre Nyamsi Hendji of Cameroonian origin, who,
today, is serving as a Municipal Councillor in the City of Orvault in France.

"I came here for the first time when this place (Limbe) was still called Victoria; that's in 1972. So,
today, I am very happy to be back here to help my people," Councillor Nyamsi said.

The visiting French Councillor said that last year he was in Buea for the same exercise. Thus, this year he decided to extend his assistance to several other communities in other parts of Cameroon, with Limbe as one of them.
It's worth noting here that Councillor Nyamsi's coming back to Limbe some 50 years after his first visit was facilitated by the Divisional Delegate of Transport for Fako, Doume Guillaume.
"My friend and brother who lives in France has the benevolent habit of coming home to give back to his people in Cameroon... So, I said he should also come and give to the people of Limbe I Municipality, which is where I am working. So it's good that his good works should also touch the people of my community here in Limbe," Doume said.
Councillor Dr Nyamsi's decision to come back home and assist his fellow compatriots was especially applauded by the General Supervisor of this hospital, Carine Ndifor, and Dr. Nanji Justin of the Pharmacy Unit, who represented the Chief Medical Officer.
"Some of the mothers we have here are internally displaced persons (IDP), and most have very little.
So these items will help them," Dr. Nanji said.

"We want to thank the Delegate of Transport who brought Councillor Dr Nyamsi to assist these nursing mothers," the General Supervisor added.

It's worthy to note that Limbe, for the past few years, has been serving as a hub for IDPs who fled from other violence-hit areas in the NW and SW regions. Many of them are women who fled to Limbe after losing every belonging of theirs. It's apparently why the General Supervisor was pleading with the Visiting Councillor: "We hope you will come again in the future" whenever he has the means.

Orvault Councillor (2nd from R) Transport delegate, guillaume (R), with the recipient nursing mothers at
the down Beach Hospital, Limbe

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