Globeleq Cameroon at the Heart of Promote 2024: Performance and Prospects.

CAMEROUN :: Globeleq Cameroon at the Heart of Promote 2024: Performance and Prospects.

Globeleq is a major player in energy production with head office  based in Douala, the economic capital of Cameroon. 

The independent energy production company  ,Globeleq , was established in Cameroon since 2009.

Preocupied with power production in African countries, the group has built two power plants in Cameroon with great impact across country,notably: 
 The Kribi Power Development Corporation ( 216 megawatt  natural gas-fired Kribi ) ; and the Dibamba Power Development Corporation ( 88 megawatt HFO-fired Dibamba) .

The two power plants provide work in partnership with parastatal, ENEO,in the supply of power to households.

Fifteen years later the corporation accounts for  20% of  energy consumed in  Cameroon.

 Faced with the global economic situation, COVID-19 and the Ukrainian-Russian conflict, Cameroon is struggling to honor its financial commitments to the Globeleq group; awaiting payments of bills,which  hinders the effective and efficient development of the company. 

Despite these economic turbulences, the group is holding on thanks to the internal management mechanism put in place.As such  salaries are successful paid  regularly , service providers , investment, and maintenance of equipment bills are paid too,in order to keep the company at high capacity. 

Like any private company, Globeleq Cameroon seeks to improve or even exceed the number of megawatts of electricity produced.On that note, the top management wants to migrate towards the conversion of the plant from wärtsilä 20 V 31 SG motors for a capacity of 94 Megawatts and the extension of the plant to a capacity of 170 MW with wärtsilä motors 20 V 31 SG or gas turbines.

The General Director, Mr. Frédéric Didier Mvondo, is working hard to this ends. 

Globeleq remains a  citizen-drived company that also take care of other  social activities, in the likes of , the construction of schools, provision of technical facilities in certain health centers in Kribi, and provision scholarships to  electricity and mechanics  students. 

In the same vein, comforts were provided to  victims and  families of the Eseka Disaster, not forgetting supports provided to those affected by the Mbankolo landslide, couple to  income-generating activities promoted during the COVID period ( training on making masks...)

The great event held at the Yaoundé Conference center at the heart of the 9th Edition of the International Business, SME and Partnership Exhibition under the theme “PRIVATE SECTOR, EVOLUTION AND STRUCTURAL TRANSFORMATION OF AFRICAN ECONOMIES” enabled the Globeleq group to gain  visibility with regard to questions asked by the public.

Participants included, the Director of Human Resources, Richard Iffot; the Director of the Dibamba power plant,Vanessa Mougnutou; and Director of Supply,Marie Claire Ngo Bayemeck.; the curious visitors and others .

Thanks to the brilliant presentations of the panel, the history of Globeleq, its performances and  prospects are now known and simplified .

The organizers and participants returned home satisfied.

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