© Contributor : Palabre Intellectuelle
- 06 Mar 2018 14:10:59
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- 6895
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CAMEROUN :: Cameroon: A trilingual shortlist for the Grand Prix of Literary Associations 2017
The shortlist of the fifth edition of the Grand Prix of Literary Associations has been revealed in the press. Just like the preselections of the current edition, three languages are represented. English, Spanish and French. The finalists are nine in both categories, and from diverse countries accross the world. Some of them are already well known, though their fame cannot guarantee them victory, while others are still making their way to success. And the latters would as well deserve the award, since they’ve been good enough to reach the GPLA 2017 finals, chosen amongst their more than 120 competitors, whose applications were endorsed by 104 associations.
The big question remains hot untill March 26 : who will succeed the winners of the previous edition, Felwine Sarr in the Research category, awarded for his work entitled "Afrotopia", and Eric Mendi in the Belles-lettres, author the novel "Afane – Forêt équatoriale".
These are the GPLA 2017 finalists
Research category :
1- "HispanoAmérica : visión contemporánea", by Ebenzer Bille and Georges Moukouti (Cameroon)
2- "NATIVE : dispatches from a Palestinian-Israeli Life", by Sayed Kashua (Israel)
3- "Water as a weapon of international confrontations", by Gideon Ajeagah (Cameroon)
Belles-lettres category
1- "The Explosion Chronicles", by Yan Lianke (China)
2- "Fendre l’armure", by Anna Gavalda (France)
3- "Le tchighida du père Arthaud", by Kadjangabalo sekou (Togo)
4- ""Bajo el sol", by Guadalupe Martínez Galindo (Mexico)
5- " La Geste de Bréké », by Macaire Etty" (Côte d’Ivoire)
6- "Los héroes del camino", by Vicento Delgado Carreto (Mexico)
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