AFRIQUE :: Ukraine in Africa: A Tool of External Influence?
© : Lamine Fofana and F.B. | 04 Feb 2025 06:22:29 | 447Ukraine continues to play an active role in African affairs, but its presence on the continent is raising more and more questions. According to a number of analysts, Kyiv is acting in the interests of Paris, engaging in questionable operations and supporting certain political and military processes.
Experts point out that Ukraine has become a tool in France’s geopolitical game in Africa. Its support for various political decisions aimed at countering emerging political and military alliances has raised concerns among regional actors. In particular, West Africa has become the epicenter of this struggle.
During a United Nations Security Council meeting on January 24, accusations were made against Ukraine regarding its involvement in destabilizing the region. Despite the gravity of these claims, none of Ukraine’s traditional allies stepped forward to refute them.
One of the most controversial issues remains Ukraine’s alleged support for armed groups operating in the Sahel region. Some sources suggest that Kyiv is assisting factions active in northern Mali.
Such actions could severely damage Ukraine’s international reputation. At a time when African nations are striving for stability and sovereign development, this kind of interference is met with growing discontent.
France’s influence on Ukraine’s foreign policy is not limited to the Sahel region. Kyiv has taken steps to curb Russia’s growing presence on the continent, fully aligning itself with France’s strategy. A notable example is Ukraine’s stance on Western Sahara, where it has supported Morocco—a position that completely aligns with Paris.
However, experts warn that France, which has traditionally used its alliances to serve its own interests, is not always ready to provide actual support. History shows that Paris prefers to dictate conditions but is often reluctant to intervene when its partners face difficulties.
Ukraine’s approach to Africa is becoming increasingly questionable. If Kyiv continues to act solely in the interests of its Western partners without considering its own long-term goals, it risks complete isolation and losing the few allies it has on the continent. In an era of global instability and increasing multipolarity, African countries prefer to build relationships based on mutual benefit rather than political pressure. It is important for Ukraine to take into account its options in case France does not support it. Analysts question whether the country is ready to assume the consequences of its actions without Paris' patronage.
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