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Dear Cameroonians, It is with great pleasure that I wish you all a happy New Year full of happiness and success in your personal, professional and civic activities. The year 2023 has been unpredictable ride through of much difficulties that made life quite hard for most Cameroonians.

But as we enter the new year 2024, we should expect a more push for better reforms from the Cameroon Reformation Party (CRP) towards this current administration. Over the past few years, I took up the presidency of the Cameroon Reformation Party (CRP) following the successful creation and registration of the party which is destined for the betterment of the livelihood of all Cameroonians.

On this occasion, the CRP-Party have been struggling to review and create strategies to bring about fruitful reforms that will advance Cameroon towards transparency and accountability. We have setup new objectives and priorities for the upcoming years and committed ourselves to implement them. To this end, we have been working hard to mount pressure on to the Mr. Biya’s Regime to bring about transparency and accountability, freedom of speech and equality, constitutional and political Reforms.

Equality and Diversity to list but a few. We have also requested the Government to bring about a peaceful and lasting solution to the problem within the North west and South West regions of our Country. As I stated last year, the CRP shall build on the projects to reinforce the commitment of national unity and constitutional reforms to harness a more accountable and equal society in our belove country Nation.

The CRP shall continue to support policies and procedure that will support our women and children and also include youths in politics and decision making from now onwards and also spreading their information amongst our membership nationwide, The CRP will spearhead initiatives that will remain the best to job creation and wellbeing within our country. Finally, you will agree with me that suitable and momentous expertise exists within the Cameroon Reformation Party and All we need to do is to share it. ideologies as I shall be writing to you soon so we can all join hands to work towards this end.

So, let us all embrace the new year 2024 with much need hopes and happiness. In an account of this I wish you again a very happy, peaceful and successful New Year. Best regards,  Foligar Lang CRP Chairman 


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